
Our school prospectus is now available on-line. The prospectus contains lots of information regarding our school including:

  • Current staff and governing body
  • The curriculum and curriculum organisation
  • Current assessment details
  • Special Educational Needs
  • The Cognition and Learning Resource Base
  • Religious education
  • Personal and social development
  • Homework
  • Parents' information and co-operation
  • Discipline
  • Attendance
  • Pastoral organisation
  • Community links
  • School routine
  • Charging policy
  • School uniform
  • Admissions information
  • Complaints procedure

and much more!

Use the links below to view the school's current prospectus: 

Lyndon Green Infant School Prospectus 

Lyndon Green Infant School Prospectus Appendices 2014/15  Appendices include Staffing, School Improvement, Governing BodySEN and Assessment