Year 1 Information

 Children in Year 1 begin the Autumn term by developing their control, balance and travelling skills during their topic on ‘Superheroes’. They understand the importance of teamwork and how their own super senses work during science lessons. Children also find out about ‘real-life’ super heroes from the past, such as Florence Nightingale and Samuel Pepys.

During the topic ‘School Days’, the children learn about their own school and locality, both today and in the past. They compare schooling in the Victorian era to their experiences of school today. The children have the opportunity to dress up and take part in a Victorian day, at school.

In the Spring term the children learn about Bright Lights, Big City. This topic teaches children about the physical and human characteristics of the United Kingdom, including a detailed exploration of the features of the capital city, London.

The second half of the spring term finds the children developing their knowledge of British wildlife and woodland habitats. Children observe and identify plants and animals, understand seasonal changes and appreciate the wonder of the woodland and outdoor areas.

Paws, Claws and Whiskers is the topic that begins in the summer term. It develops children’s knowledge of shape, colour, pattern and texture. Children observe, draw and recreate wild animals and pets, using a variety of different media to create their work.

The final topic in Year 1 is called Dinosaur Planet. Children have the opportunity to learn about dinosaurs and fossils, and develop their knowledge of prehistory. They learn about important discoveries of palaeontologists, such as Mary Anning. During this topic, the children have the opportunity to create their own dinosaur museum.


Throughout the year, children take part in various engage days where they have the opportunity to dress up as an explorer, an animal or be a superhero for the day. We also encourage all our parents and carers to come into school and attend workshops with their child. The National Phonics Screen check for all Year 1 children takes place in June

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Topic Knowledge Organisers

Click the Topic to open the link.

School Days

Bright Lights, Big City

Year 1 Information

 Children in Year 1 begin the Autumn term by developing their control, balance and travelling skills during their topic on ‘Superheroes’. They understand the importance of teamwork and how their own super senses work during science lessons. Children also find out about ‘real-life’ super heroes from the past, such as Florence Nightingale and Samuel Pepys.

During the topic ‘School Days’, the children learn about their own school and locality, both today and in the past. They compare schooling in the Victorian era to their experiences of school today. The children have the opportunity to dress up and take part in a Victorian day, at school.

In the Spring term the children learn about Bright Lights, Big City. This topic teaches children about the physical and human characteristics of the United Kingdom, including a detailed exploration of the features of the capital city, London.

The second half of the spring term finds the children developing their knowledge of British wildlife and woodland habitats. Children observe and identify plants and animals, understand seasonal changes and appreciate the wonder of the woodland and outdoor areas.

Paws, Claws and Whiskers is the topic that begins in the summer term. It develops children’s knowledge of shape, colour, pattern and texture. Children observe, draw and recreate wild animals and pets, using a variety of different media to create their work.

The final topic in Year 1 is called Dinosaur Planet. Children have the opportunity to learn about dinosaurs and fossils, and develop their knowledge of prehistory. They learn about important discoveries of palaeontologists, such as Mary Anning. During this topic, the children have the opportunity to create their own dinosaur museum.


Throughout the year, children take part in various engage days where they have the opportunity to dress up as an explorer, an animal or be a superhero for the day. We also encourage all our parents and carers to come into school and attend workshops with their child. The National Phonics Screen check for all Year 1 children takes place in June

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Topic Knowledge Organisers

Click the Topic to open the link.

School Days

Bright Lights, Big City

Year 1 Information

 Children in Year 1 begin the Autumn term by developing their control, balance and travelling skills during their topic on ‘Superheroes’. They understand the importance of teamwork and how their own super senses work during science lessons. Children also find out about ‘real-life’ super heroes from the past, such as Florence Nightingale and Samuel Pepys.

During the topic ‘School Days’, the children learn about their own school and locality, both today and in the past. They compare schooling in the Victorian era to their experiences of school today. The children have the opportunity to dress up and take part in a Victorian day, at school.

In the Spring term the children learn about Bright Lights, Big City. This topic teaches children about the physical and human characteristics of the United Kingdom, including a detailed exploration of the features of the capital city, London.

The second half of the spring term finds the children developing their knowledge of British wildlife and woodland habitats. Children observe and identify plants and animals, understand seasonal changes and appreciate the wonder of the woodland and outdoor areas.

Paws, Claws and Whiskers is the topic that begins in the summer term. It develops children’s knowledge of shape, colour, pattern and texture. Children observe, draw and recreate wild animals and pets, using a variety of different media to create their work.

The final topic in Year 1 is called Dinosaur Planet. Children have the opportunity to learn about dinosaurs and fossils, and develop their knowledge of prehistory. They learn about important discoveries of palaeontologists, such as Mary Anning. During this topic, the children have the opportunity to create their own dinosaur museum.


Throughout the year, children take part in various engage days where they have the opportunity to dress up as an explorer, an animal or be a superhero for the day. We also encourage all our parents and carers to come into school and attend workshops with their child. The National Phonics Screen check for all Year 1 children takes place in June

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Topic Knowledge Organisers

Click the Topic to open the link.

School Days

Bright Lights, Big City

Year 1 Information

 Children in Year 1 begin the Autumn term by developing their control, balance and travelling skills during their topic on ‘Superheroes’. They understand the importance of teamwork and how their own super senses work during science lessons. Children also find out about ‘real-life’ super heroes from the past, such as Florence Nightingale and Samuel Pepys.

During the topic ‘School Days’, the children learn about their own school and locality, both today and in the past. They compare schooling in the Victorian era to their experiences of school today. The children have the opportunity to dress up and take part in a Victorian day, at school.

In the Spring term the children learn about Bright Lights, Big City. This topic teaches children about the physical and human characteristics of the United Kingdom, including a detailed exploration of the features of the capital city, London.

The second half of the spring term finds the children developing their knowledge of British wildlife and woodland habitats. Children observe and identify plants and animals, understand seasonal changes and appreciate the wonder of the woodland and outdoor areas.

Paws, Claws and Whiskers is the topic that begins in the summer term. It develops children’s knowledge of shape, colour, pattern and texture. Children observe, draw and recreate wild animals and pets, using a variety of different media to create their work.

The final topic in Year 1 is called Dinosaur Planet. Children have the opportunity to learn about dinosaurs and fossils, and develop their knowledge of prehistory. They learn about important discoveries of palaeontologists, such as Mary Anning. During this topic, the children have the opportunity to create their own dinosaur museum.


Throughout the year, children take part in various engage days where they have the opportunity to dress up as an explorer, an animal or be a superhero for the day. We also encourage all our parents and carers to come into school and attend workshops with their child. The National Phonics Screen check for all Year 1 children takes place in June

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Topic Knowledge Organisers

Click the Topic to open the link.

School Days

Bright Lights, Big City

Year 1 Information

 Children in Year 1 begin the Autumn term by developing their control, balance and travelling skills during their topic on ‘Superheroes’. They understand the importance of teamwork and how their own super senses work during science lessons. Children also find out about ‘real-life’ super heroes from the past, such as Florence Nightingale and Samuel Pepys.

During the topic ‘School Days’, the children learn about their own school and locality, both today and in the past. They compare schooling in the Victorian era to their experiences of school today. The children have the opportunity to dress up and take part in a Victorian day, at school.

In the Spring term the children learn about Bright Lights, Big City. This topic teaches children about the physical and human characteristics of the United Kingdom, including a detailed exploration of the features of the capital city, London.

The second half of the spring term finds the children developing their knowledge of British wildlife and woodland habitats. Children observe and identify plants and animals, understand seasonal changes and appreciate the wonder of the woodland and outdoor areas.

Paws, Claws and Whiskers is the topic that begins in the summer term. It develops children’s knowledge of shape, colour, pattern and texture. Children observe, draw and recreate wild animals and pets, using a variety of different media to create their work.

The final topic in Year 1 is called Dinosaur Planet. Children have the opportunity to learn about dinosaurs and fossils, and develop their knowledge of prehistory. They learn about important discoveries of palaeontologists, such as Mary Anning. During this topic, the children have the opportunity to create their own dinosaur museum.


Throughout the year, children take part in various engage days where they have the opportunity to dress up as an explorer, an animal or be a superhero for the day. We also encourage all our parents and carers to come into school and attend workshops with their child. The National Phonics Screen check for all Year 1 children takes place in June

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Topic Knowledge Organisers

Click the Topic to open the link.

School Days

Bright Lights, Big City