Resources Committee
Meetings are held once every half term to discuss the staffing of the school and any matters relating to the school premises, grounds, security and health and safety.
Finance: Our tasks each year include the recommendation of the new budget to the Governing Board for approval, approving expenditure over to £10,000 and monitoring the school’s income and expenditure on a termly basis. We review and approve the use of any carried forward surplus balances and ensure compliance with the City Council’s financial regulations including the annual submission of the School’s Financial Value statement. We also oversee the Head Teachers annual performance review.
Staffing: We review the staffing structure yearly and whenever a vacancy occurs, in relation to the school’s development; review salaries and any discipline or grievance complaints.
Resources: We provide support and guidance to the Head Teacher on all matters relating to the school premises. Any costs and arrangements for any work required, provided they are within the budget allocation. We also ensure that the Governing Board's responsibilities under the appropriate Health and Safety legislation are discharged. All minutes from these meetings are given to the Full Governing Board for their final approval. Delegation is given to the committee for decisions regarding minor issues. Any major issue is taken to the Full Governing Board
Curriculum Committee
This committee regularly reviews all sorts of policies eg for each of the different subjects that are taught, it ensures that the National Curriculum is being delivered properly to the children, are regularly updated on progress and new developments - often by inviting teachers into their meetings. The whole Curriculum has been undergoing a review recently, and regular reports are made to the committee. They make sure that the Governors with special curriculum areas of interest, including Special Educational Needs, do meet with the appropriate teachers, visit school regularly and report back.
Also in their remit is to review the School Improvement Plan and update it regularly; produce the Governors' Newsletters to parents and generally ensure that communication from the school is excellent. They deal with any relevant matters that parents or children raise.
Policy Committee
We review our policies by creating a "Virtual Committee". A policy schedule was produced so that the members can review our policies on a termly basis. They then report back to the FGB informing them of any amendments they have made.
Resources Committee
Meetings are held once every half term to discuss the staffing of the school and any matters relating to the school premises, grounds, security and health and safety.
Finance: Our tasks each year include the recommendation of the new budget to the Governing Board for approval, approving expenditure over to £10,000 and monitoring the school’s income and expenditure on a termly basis. We review and approve the use of any carried forward surplus balances and ensure compliance with the City Council’s financial regulations including the annual submission of the School’s Financial Value statement. We also oversee the Head Teachers annual performance review.
Staffing: We review the staffing structure yearly and whenever a vacancy occurs, in relation to the school’s development; review salaries and any discipline or grievance complaints.
Resources: We provide support and guidance to the Head Teacher on all matters relating to the school premises. Any costs and arrangements for any work required, provided they are within the budget allocation. We also ensure that the Governing Board's responsibilities under the appropriate Health and Safety legislation are discharged. All minutes from these meetings are given to the Full Governing Board for their final approval. Delegation is given to the committee for decisions regarding minor issues. Any major issue is taken to the Full Governing Board
Curriculum Committee
This committee regularly reviews all sorts of policies eg for each of the different subjects that are taught, it ensures that the National Curriculum is being delivered properly to the children, are regularly updated on progress and new developments - often by inviting teachers into their meetings. The whole Curriculum has been undergoing a review recently, and regular reports are made to the committee. They make sure that the Governors with special curriculum areas of interest, including Special Educational Needs, do meet with the appropriate teachers, visit school regularly and report back.
Also in their remit is to review the School Improvement Plan and update it regularly; produce the Governors' Newsletters to parents and generally ensure that communication from the school is excellent. They deal with any relevant matters that parents or children raise.
Policy Committee
We review our policies by creating a "Virtual Committee". A policy schedule was produced so that the members can review our policies on a termly basis. They then report back to the FGB informing them of any amendments they have made.