
In 1975 Mrs Evans became the Head Teacher. The school celebrated its 25th anniversary in 1977, when the Queen celebrated her Silver Jubilee.

25th anniversary celebrations

Mrs Nichola Southern wrote to us about her memories of this occasion in her letter to Rebecca below, and so did Stephen Green. He also sent us some photographs, so you should be able to spot both Stephen and Nichola in their fancy dress costumes as they both won first prizes!

Nichola says:

"We all wore fancy dress costumes, I dressed up as Britannia and won first prize for my costume. I wore a long white robe and held a trident and a shield, which had the union flag painted on the front."

Can you spot her in the pictures?

Read the rest of Nichola's letter using the links below.

Stephen says:

"Perhaps my best memory was winning the fancy dress competition for the Queen's silver jubilee...I was dressed as a knight, I had armour made from cardboard and my Mum and Dad covered it with silver foil to make it look like metal, it was finished off with a poker for a fire that looked just like a sword."

Can you see Stephen the knight below?

Read the rest of Stephen's letter using the link below


arise Sir Knight!

can you see Batman?

close competition

our brave knight awaits the judges verdict